Time for Gnosis, time to invite the Strangers (Mr. Book, Hand etc.) to the reform process!


It is no novel statement to make, it is obvious, that it’s the time to revolt… against usury culture, hemp-banning, wedlock, and the various other stupidities of society. Our task is made easier by a new film, which tells us the IDENTITY of the “right” wing opposed to reform, that indeed “profits from” what we’re trying to reform. thus “naturally” opposes the process of reform.

Our task is made simple, just direct our message to them, TALK to them —
about implementing what is objectively logical (hope you’re philosopher enough to understand that term “objective logic, what is true and/or ideal”)! Maybe we should send this email to TRUMP and the MODIfier in India, who may help?!!

It’s a film about the hidden capstone of the world order, whose origins can be retraced to the “cradle of civilization”, ancient Iraq… Watch…. you must know too!!


View/download: …………..

https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzT7OZVNL6t-aVlZVmhNWlprUXc/view?usp=drive_web https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzT7OZVNL6t-dUlYQURZNkRpTjQ/view

Download only (torrent): ………….. https://piratebay.co.in/torrent/17093619/The_Secrets_of_the_Ages__Part_1_-_Murdoch_vs._the_Strangers

Alternate link: ………….. www.djedefsauron.net …………..

“Like” page @ Facebook ………….. https://www.facebook.com/marduknews/?fref=ts

On the Gesellian Pound

In being a barter/exchange value measurement unit — the Gesellian Pound, the new, optional virtual currency at the heart of Beaverteams, is partly inspired by the work of Colin McKay of Deror:

As people do for each other without paying each other in anything but GPs (which can be called “free money”) — the GP ecosystem may, in the short run, resemble a gift economy, but it is not actually so.

The GP is a yardstick by which a giver (of goods and services) can measure how much he has given to his fellow man.

It is expected, at the same time, for this fellow man to be returning such favors, either directly or indirectly, as and when he can. This logic is ingrained in the GP, because of such conditions:

As the GP is a barter/exchange value measurement unit as much as it is a currency, and as “who paid who?” is on record — in the unlikely case that the GP system is unable to continue – there is, still, no need to worry due to the GP’s status as a barter/exchange value measurement unit. That is to say, it’s understood (by all who use GPs), that, in case of system inviability, all outstanding GP debts will be calculated, as shown below, and  repaid in cash or kind.

People holding GPs (“receivers”) can expect to be reimbursed by those (“takers”) who took from them goods and services in exchange for GPs. In case of system dissolution, takers are legally bound to pay to receivers the equivalent of as many GPs as were exchanged — in goods, services, or pre-existing local fiat currencies. Though of course, it may take a while to recover the ‘GP debts’.

Thus in the unlikely event of a “system failure”, one can think of all preceding transactions (which are recorded in the user’s accounts page) as amounting to loans given by the GP receivers (givers of goods and services), who can now recover the ‘GP debts’ — which are calculated as follows:

If user X (taker) uses 10 GPs (say) to pay user Y (receiver), in that case, while Y does get the benefit of 10 GPs moved into his account, he also gets a safety net — an implicit contract is created, which reads:

in case the GP system ceases to exist or work out well (that can be defined as: widely gain currency), X promises to pay Y the equivalent of 10 GPs in goods, services, or pre-existing local fiat currencies”.

Due to the presence of this contract, people may use GPs without worry…

How is the GP debt calculated in the light of how its value changes with time? In the early days,  1 GP roughly equals in value one big burger (or more generally “an affordably-priced meal at a decent place”), which currently costs around $5. As the GP “gains currency”, and as the upward or downward movement of its value gets underway, let’s say 1 GP can buy n number of such meals (n can be less or more than 1 — depending on what the “free market” decides).

In the unlikely event of failure of the GP ecosystem, total outstanding GP debt (in dollars) will be calculated as:

GP debt (in dollars) = Σ [({A x 5 x n x (TC-TL)} + {A x 5 x (TSF– TC)}) / (TSF-TL)]


A = amount in GPs transacted in a given transaction

TC = time of a given transaction/debt creation

TL = time of launch of the GP (2016 end)

TSF = time of system failure


All debts repaid by this rule, one won’t lose a thing even if he is left holding many GPs if  the GP ecosystem becomes unviable.

With any luck, however, it will not crash, and we’ll never have to do these foreboding calculations!

I’m not saying, “Use the GP because it’s egalitarian” — but I surely say don’t interrupt the experiment — let the people decide which mode of payment to use, which is better. If more people use local (fiat) currency, then so be it, it must be better on the whole. If they use more GPs (because of the many advantages the GP brings to the table), so be it, GPs must be better on the whole.

Support for both the GP and local fiat currency is threaded into the GP’s platform (Beaverteams).

Of course the Gesellian Pound is, if we talk of the other part of its architecture, inspired by the work of Silvio Gesell.

Gesellian type of policy is an alternative to our current “capitalist” economic policy. I hope you understand capitalism?

Hasslberger, in his website, gives an introduction: “Current economic policy is rotten. That is the simple and direct message we can glean from a study of economic and monetary matters against historical sources and against the backdrop of social organization in our time. Why is there, apart from normal human greed and desire for power, such an impelling necessity to squeeze people and resources to the last drop? Why are we absolutely forced to maximise profits, and to hell with people’s health and well being? Why do we have to steer technology towards the destruction of the very basis of our survival which this planet has been kindly providing us for as long as we can remember? I believe that a little known economist, Silvio Gesell, has discovered the answer to this riddle in the early part of the twentieth century. He speaks about the need to keep money in circulation, and about the historical role of interest in achieving this end. He points out the hidden role of interest as well, that of shifting buying power from the poor to the rich, and makes a proposal to fix the situation.”

Need a more detailed understanding of Gesellian policy? Read Natural Economic Order by Silvio Gesell.

The reverse side of the Worgl Bills were printed with the following declaration:

“To all whom it may concern!

Sluggishly circulating money has provoked an unprecedented trade depression and plunged millions into utter misery. Economically considered, the destruction of the world has started. – It is time, through determined and intelligent action, to endeavour to arrest the downward plunge of the trade machine and thereby to save mankind from fratricidal wars, chaos, and dissolution. Human beings live by exchanging their services. Sluggish circulation has largely stopped this exchange and thrown millions of willing workers out of employment. – We must therefore revive this exchange of services and by its means bring the unemployed back to the ranks of the producers. Such is the object of the labour certificate [money] issued by the market town of Wörgl: it softens sufferings dread; it offers work and bread.”

About my adaptation of Gesellian theory into a virtual currency, the Gesellian Pound, you can read here.

Beaverteams is born!

Friends, those who are known and those who are yet strangers!
Time for a public announcement:
My creation, prototype*, is born at last!

* (You can still use it, but it’s just a prototype — Phase I of development (functionality) is over. Going forward, thinking of hiring some web design professionals for phase 2 (aesthetics/UI/UX) of development… So, please point out any CVs, bugs or additional desirable (in your opinion) features, by emailing me at anand@beaverteams.com)!

Beaverteams: a new web portal enabling project definition & execution, and discovery and collaboration between the (potentially) involved participants.
If you’re the free type of person who believes in DOING things, taking back control of your life — along with local friends, who think likewise — please go ahead, create a free account at http://www.beaverteams.com !
(Also get your interested neighboring friends to join and create their accounts, because Beaverteams, being a collaborative platform, works only if there are a plurality of users at any given locality)
Once you have a local community on-board, define your pet projects, search for and invite local hands to help – and, as Nike said, “just do it”!
Time for lay men & women to come together to make positive changes in the world! Start small, rally your mates, go on to make a big difference!
And all this can be done even if your cash supply is scarce, thanks to an internal virtual currency (the Gesellian Pound), that allows users to do things for each other without paying a “hidden” capital tax…
~ Exploit Gesellian free money to your advantage!
200 Gesellian Pounds (worth roughly $1000*) FREE for everyone who joins the platform ~
* How? … just how? Simple, just follow this advice by Colin McKay of Deror:
“by a clever accounting trick — they [i.e. the banks] let us borrow their IOUs as “money”… Why don’t we all do the same thing, and just lend to ourselves”?
Gesellian Free Money –> money is no longer a type of scarce capital, rather it is designed to be primarily a means of transaction. Time for a second Miracle of Worgl (hope we don’t have to wait for another crisis for the same)! There’s enough money going around for anyone willing to work or otherwise contribute in some way! Here’s to the rise of the world citizen!
A new type of man, enabled/empowered by the information age!

What is Beaverteams?

As that Nike ad said, “Just do it”. DIY, Do it yourself is indeed a fine way to do, but some projects are just too difficult for 1 guy to handle. Thus its logical extension @ Beaverteams: DIO, “Do it Ourselves”.

Of collaborative software — asana, podio, and the various similar platforms — nearly all of them cater to corporations, letting colleagues cooperate. Beaverteams in contrast is meant mostly for individuals, who have no colleagues, who may want custom, task-oriented sets of “colleagues”.

Nearly all freelancing or collaborative web portals focus on “soft” tasks: coding, document editing, SEO services, and the like. At the other extreme we find handyman-hiring websites (that obviously do not concern themselves with collaboration). Nowhere do we find a task type (“soft” or “hard”: piping, building, guitaring)-agnostic solution designed for a society of equals.

Today, businessmen talk about nearly everything — except the most important ‘objects’ of all, the most complex “objects” on earth, i.e., humans — who are, systemically or otherwise, unduly neglected.

Beaverteams is more  than just a human map with information about human beings and what they can do for you, what skills do they have, what they are interested in; it is a human marketplace.

Due to the lack of a human marketplace, we see a lot of real world examples of operations performed sub-optimally,  or of projects that should be undertaken, but are not undertaken at all.

As Nilay Bhatnagar says, a human marketplace will beget disruption across all industries; what Uber has done for taxis and airbnb for hotels. A new, individual-centric way of doing things that enables individuals to collaborate — a new way which, when combined with modern individual-oriented technologies (PC drafting and 3D printing etc.), promises to have many disruptive effects on the current way of doing things (employment). And is it not required?

As Nilay says, “every industry needs to be completely and utterly disrupted. They are relics of the past”.

Big companies, like the inefficient “dinosaurs” of myth, might go extinct despite their two big advantages:

  • Consumer herdism (a phenomenon related to but the opposite of laggardism… a good example is the case of Apple … how the faithful always buy new iphones is compared to this!).
  • b2b or b2g cartelisation, where g stands for, as Dr. Melamade calls it, “govern-mental illness”.

With CEOs often making more than a hundred times than “wage slaves”, big companies are simply too inefficient.

Also in favor of the new individual-centric way of doing things is the information age. For example, customs like wars are out of fashion. And psychoanalytics-based advertisements fail to convince people any longer, especially the youth. To take an example:- in old times, children bought useless items on the “basis” of ads with scantily clad females; but now they have porn, and, sex is no longer a novelty, thus the youth can be subliminally influenced no longer.

Thus Beaverteams is a collaboration-enabling platform with end-to-end support for social leaders who have (or have borrowed) ideas worth supporting, a disruptive portal that might replace corporations.

But wait… only corporations can get things done… right?

As Godin shows in his book Tribes, today, leaders are enough; companies are not really necessary for getting things done. All the leader needs is a General Purpose Platform for project execution.

The new Beaverteams way of doing things compared to the old way:

Weber’s theory of bureaucracy in successful corporations or pseudo-corporations calls for 4 essential features:
1. Administrative Class
2. Hierarchy
3. Division of Work
4. Formal selection of right employees

Point 1: In Beaverteams, all the administration is done by the leader, the founder of the project, who is supported by the expertise of chosen advisors. As against the old way: An expensive, lazy administrative class; top execs earning up to 1000 times more than blue collar workers. And it used to be as if you’re married to one boss throughout your career; no exposure, little learning.

Point 2: Various project owners and advisors guide the doers as they complete a variety of projects.

Point 3: IT-enabled division of labor and definition of responsibilities is enabled by the Beaverteams GPP, a model that doesn’t suffer from Pareto’s law (20% of the people do 80% of the work)

Point 4: In Beaverteams, formal selection is enabled by detailed specification of helpers (project history, reputation etc.). And what about modern corporations? Have you read The death of the expert?

We briefly discussed how the Beaverteams GPP differs from the other, distantly “similar” solutions.

Let’s complete that discussion to see how unique Beaverteams really is (zoom out the page if needed):


Examples of Use Cases for the Beaverteams GPP:

Newbies: Someone new in town, who just wants to check out the human map to know who’s around

Children: Learn, define, and implement projects with like-minded friends or students and teachers

Professors: Define research areas, describe projects in detail, rope in interested students, act as consultants

Companies: Get things done at a fraction of the typical cost

Musicians and other collaborative artists: Find other skilled musicians, find support for film making etc.

Sportsmen: Organize matches, assign responsibilities (e.g.: who’ll bring drinks, who’ll hire ground, floodlights etc.)

Event planners: Organize events and invite many people

NGOs: Rally people for good causes (like planting a thousand trees this weekend)

Experts, doers, and vendors: Sell your knowledge, manpower, and wares at fair free market rates

Businessmen seeking temporary business partners (doers, advisors, interns etc.) at cheap rates to grow their business

Strangers and Lonely hearts: Find people using the human map (arrangements are in place to prevent stalking)

People who live in communes and need a virtual currency to regulate their internal economic activities

People of PIGS countries (and places like Venezuela)

The underemployed & Unemployed: Can use the internal currency system to transact goods and services.


What… egalitarian internal currency system?


Beaverteams give the choice for users to use either local currency (government fiat) or an egalitarian internal currency, the GP, or Gesellian Pound (inspired by the theories of Silvio Gesell).


I’m not saying, “Use the GP because it’s egalitarian” — but I surely say don’t interrupt the experiment — let the people decide which mode of payment to use, which is better. If more people use local (fiat) currency, then so be it, it must be better on the whole. If they use more GPs (because of the many advantages the GP brings to the table), so be it, GPs must be better on the whole.

Well, this economic system is much to talk of — but you don’t need an economics degree to read it:


The GP system may not be perfect as of now, but that should not discourage you from joining and trying it out. Any problems will be rectified through user feedback and further development of the analysis. At least the GP monetary infrastructure provides a start, those who are ill-treated by capitalism (workers, farmers, and whoever does the actual work and is duly insulted by the system) — should lead the way in adopting this new global currency, especially given that they won’t lose anything due to the provision of a safety net (see point 12 in above PDF).

The important thing to take away is that every user who registers in the Beaverteams database, gets free money — 200 GPs — to kick-start his economic activities! So grab your free account now

As for free land, which is another requirement of a Gesellian order and can help kick-start local GP-based economies, it’s not so easy for me to arrange, but surely you can find some land considering this. Wrestle the government, in case it tries to  restrict you, for your right to a bit of land.

If you think on it, you’ll realize that Beaverteams works best when there are (a lot of) people nearby. For a start, these people could be your friends living nearby… So do tell your friends to join!